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Real Blasphemy on Blast: 710Labs Gummi Warning!


Updated: Mar 17, 2023

This one's too easy. I thought I would just show up and do my journalistic duty to lay down the clear-cut, lab-tested evidence, but I got bored and decided to eat a few. The cubes of "tapioca syrup, cane sugar, pectin, citric acid, and vitamin C" taste great, but block any "nuance" of their "private library of cultivars." I thought they were plain in order to warrant the marketing of single strain flavors, but trust me, flavor is the least of our concerns.

At this point everyone is well aware that 710Labs outsources cannabis from a few Northern California farms, a problem no one seems to have issue with more than 710Labs themselves. Their repeated false claims as "single-source" inherited cult-like vibes long ago. With "Elefante" and "Created by Elefante" on their label, they appear to have a much different understanding of single-source, since I first praised them in "Avoiding Heady Halos: Single Source." But fine, work with Elefante, as I'm sure they're some cool San Francisco based, vegan Chefs, making the rare 710 Labs "Gummi" by hand for at least the last hundred-million years (I joke).


I was surprised by the cheap, white, hard-to-open, generic-mylar envelope, so unlike 710Labs to skimp on packaging. Especially when their competition comes in a custom-reusable tin for ten bucks less. The labeling holds no qualms about it, spewing "single source" rhetoric, while claiming their "Full Spectrum Hash Rosin" cubes are unlike other "single compound THC Distillate" edibles, so I simply asked for proof. Since many of these terms hold little value in regulation, let's deal in facts.

The C.O.A.'s (Certificate of Analysis) reveal trace elements of some pretty shocking finds, however we will save the best for last. Here's the COA reports thanks to one upside of California's prop 64 regulations: we can request state logged COA's on every product a cannabis dispensary carries. Thanks to some solid regulatory bookkeeping at my local spot, (Hey) two of the three COA's for 710labs gummies were located. Here's the Ghost Hulk gummie:

Single Cannabinoid only 710 labs gummy

For the Ghost Hulk #25 by 710Labs, there is one and only one cannabinoid present: THC. Despite the label's true claim that, "most edibles on the market use single compound THC Distillate," the tests would appear to confirm 710 Labs does too. There isn't a trace of additional cannabinoids that would be present in a solventless product.

For comparison I made sure to collect some other records in my role as weed sleuth. Since I have previously supported an edible company for their Hash Gummies, I figure I'd better put myself on blast and compare Space Gem's cannabinoid content:

Space Gem Cannabinoid COA's showing several cannabinoids..

You can see how Space Gem's edibles produced with Ice Water Hash contain the cannabinoids THC, CBG, CBC, and CBN. I'd expect nothing less from the original Hash edible brand Space Gem, who sources their cannabis from Humboldt's own Talking Trees Farms. I compared several products COA's, all to the same results. Most of Space Gem's products contained an even greater array of cannabinoids.


The terpene question is one that 710labs elected not to provide, as it requires an additional testing fee. This is suspect in it's own right, granted terpene content of edibles is a tricky subject, with food flavorings containing non-cannabis derived terpenes interfering with tests. As I glanced at the testing for the Orange Cream #27, that's when it hit me:

Traces of Ethanol in 710Labs Not-so-Solventless "Solventless Gummi".

Now the repeated claims of being "single-source" and "full-spectrum" are pretty brutal, but these aren't even solventless! My worst assumptions from afar proved to be more accurate than I'd honestly thought possible. Appears they assumed everyone would be the victim of their "heady-halo," too blinded by the 710 awe to check the tests. Ethanol and traces of Methanol and Isopropyl Alcohol are all chemical solvents present in the gummies. A dead giveaway this is not a solventless product. The lack of cannabinoids and now the presence of harsh chemical solvents further my analysis.


First thing I did was checked out Elefante's website, which was conveniently included on the packaging.

White Label Manufacturing is like drop shipping for weed.

And there we have our answer to the unusually cheap, white, envelope style packaging. The packaging and product come from another brand. For anyone unfamiliar with white label products, they let you slap whatever brand or logo you want over their generic cannabis products. Absolutely nothing wrong with white-labeling products in the growing economy, but honesty is everything, with regulation clearly failing to monitor or define many producers' common claims. And right on time, I found Elefante's flagship item that looks and sounds eerily identical to 710s gummies:

Dropshipping Distillate Edibles as "solventless".

"Combining carefully sourced THC Distillate," with 710Lab's stickers is a surefire way to get thirty bucks for a two-dollar product, while spitting in the face of their consumers. Especially for those truly in need of medicinal quality cannabis products, this is disconcerting to say the least. The increasing production of 710Labs cartridges (which are almost assuredly distillate-based as well) was bad. The increasing BHO products and the massive merchandise overreach was worse, but drop-selling distillate edibles as a "solventless full spectrum hash rosin" product marks a new industry low. I'm personally offended to have paid for these.


I can no longer support this brand in good faith. The thing is they don't care and have said as much and acted in conjunction. They created the "headiest" of all "heady-halos," pulling the old rope-a-dope, to abuse brand loyalty and fool their own fans. In case you're wondering, the entire pack of gummies hit me, quite hard at first, only to be a fleeting high completely unnoticeable an hour and a half later; The true mark of a distillate edible. I tried to warn you, "the List" really is for Custys...

As I've previously vouched for Space Gem, I did so for legitimate reasons. There is no question anymore, with the proof of Ethanol in 710's "Tapioca" pudding.


Get the whole picture and story along with consumer-based knowledge to navigate the overwhelming and undecipherable retail cannabis industry in "The Hashish Manifesto: Understanding Retail Cannabis Through The Art of Hashish" in a Second Edition Hardcover on Amazon only. Click photo to link and subscribe in the footer for future notifications.

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